About Our PTA
The Olson Elementary PTA strives to support and advocate for our children by partnering with staff, families, and the wider community to create a safe and healthy learning environment where students can excel. Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents and teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school.
2024-2025 Executive Board
Position | Name | PTA Email |
President | Jonathon Brindley | president@olsonpta.org |
1st VP, Aide to President | Deanna Sorgen | vicepresident@olsonpta.org |
2nd VP, Programs | Danica Butler | programs@olsonpta.org |
3rd VP, Membership | Valerie Booth | membership@olsonpta.org |
4th VP, Fundraising | Sev Nixon | fundraising@olsonpta.org |
Secretary | Crystal Hill | secretary@olsonpta.org |
Treasurer | Tracy Cullen | treasurer@olsonpta.org |
Communications | Lisa Diaz | communications@olsonpta.org |
Parliamentarian | Vincy Sharma | parliamentarian@olsonpta.org |
Staff Appreciation | Lauren Rupper | staff.appreciation@olsonpta.org |
Book Fair | Jennifer Mackey | bookfair@olsonpta.org |
Council PTA Delegate | Monica Ramirez | delegate@olsonpta.org |
6th Grade Graduation Coordinator | Katie Knox-Juricek | graduation@olsonpta.org |
Room Parent Coordinator | Kris Palmertree | roomparents@olsonpta.org |
2024-2025 leadership team
Position | Name | PTA Email |
Watch D.O.G.S. Coordinator | Josh Windland | watchdogs@olsonpta.org |
Citizenship | Mary Brindley | citizenship@olsonpta.org |
Volunteers | Christina Money | volunteers@olsonpta.org |
Healthy Lifestyles | Jade Klinger | healthy.lifestyles@olsonpta.org |
Hospitality | Mary Brindley | hospitality@olsonpta.org |
Reflections | Noy Manes | reflections@olsonpta.org |
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, April 1
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, May 5
- Tuesday, May 6